Fintech for lawyers, legal practitioners and compliance professionals

While the transformation of the financial services industry brings unprecedented opportunities, lawyers and compliance officers must be equipped with the necessary tools to understand the complex interaction of finance technology and regulation. Fintech (a contraction of the terms "financial services" and "technology") brings with it democratisation, inclusion and disruption.
Along with new technology comes new terminology for lawyers and other professionals. Terminology like blockchain, cryptocurrency, insurtech, regtech, P2P, open banking, crowdfunding, mobile money, and many more of these fintech concepts can be overwhelming. Furthermore, many lawyers are unsure as to what the regulation of fintech covers and what it's actually like to work or advise clients in such an innovative sector. The emergence of fintech as a stand-alone sector has broadened the scope of roles for both banking and generalist lawyers. As fintech companies continue to grow, so does their need for skilled legal advice. The compliance professional too, is playing in an entirely different world and needs to be apprised of the regulatory changes that fintech will demand.
Join us for an eight-hour course, held over four days.
This course will be held remotely, most likely on Zoom - exact details will be sent to registered participants a few days before the course.