The world is unpredictable. Things happen suddenly and unexpectedly and we can’t always have every eventuality covered. COVID-19 has confirmed this irrevocably.
The Student Crisis Fund supports students with this kind of unpredictability. Students intermittently need emergency assistance with unforeseen and unavoidable crises such as accidents, illness, or death of a family member. Some students simply need assistance with medication. Or with groceries.
Food security amongst UCT students is a formidable challenge, and no less in the Law Faculty. While this is being addressed through the Office of the DVC for Transformation through the provision of lunch vouchers, many students in self-catering residences intermittently need ad hoc assistance with groceries for additional meals.
When so many of our students come from outside of the Western Cape, a sudden family crisis or medical emergency can leave them devastated and alone with no access to resources.
Over the last few years we have been able to assist students with groceries, medical expenses, travel and other crisis-related costs – but we have addressed only a portion of the emergencies experienced by our approx. 1,000 enrolled students.
Gabisile Manake is one such student. Assisted with the funding for an eye test and subsequently for spectacles, the value of the Student Crisis Fund was immediately apparent.

“These spectacles are going to change how I study and will really improve my engagement in the classroom – now that I can see the board and the screen! My confidence has already improved!”
Gabisile Manake 2019
The Covid-19 pandemic, with its enormous socio-economic impacts, will increasingly affect our students in ways that are not yet apparent – as loss of family income, illness and possibly death have become evermore a reality in our country.
With your support, we can ensure that the Student Crisis Fund is able to provide sufficient, timeous emergency assistance when students need it most.