Change your understanding of, and attitude towards, conflict and learn essential conflict resolution strategies in this interactive twelve-hour course!
The course will consist of presentations from the facilitator, group work and self-work. The course is also offered as an optional foundation course to the negotiation skills course.
Join us for this 12-hour course held over four days.
When and where?
29 and 30 July, and 5 and 6 August 2025 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays for two consecutive weeks), 14:00 to 17:00 SAST
This course will be held remotely, most likely on Zoom - exact details will be sent to registered participants a few days before the course.
Course outline
The following topics will be covered in the course:
- Challenging our attitudes towards conflict
- Understanding and navigating our default conflict styles
- Distinguishing conflict prevention, conflict management and conflict resolution and the approaches applicable to each
- The types of conflict (the ‘Conflict Circle’) and the relevance of the Conflict Type Model for determining appropriate conflict strategies
- The Conflict Path: Identifying the typical stages of a conflict situation, and understanding how different interventions may be warranted at the different stages
- Structuring conflict-resolving dialogue, using active listening techniques
- Building rapport through mirroring techniques
- Improving your own perspective-taking and your ability to facilitate perspective-taking by others
- Framing and reframing conflict situations to support conflict resolution efforts
Download an extract from the course manual to find out more about one of the topics that will be covered.
Course outcomes
Through your participation on this course you will:
- Gain greater insight into your attitudes to conflict and your default styles, thus enhancing your self-awareness
- Acquire the conceptual tools necessary to analyse any conflict situation and be able to construct an appropriate resolution strategy
- Be better equipped to construct and implement dialogue sessions to resolve conflict
- Learn new skills to manage emotions and change perceptions as a conflict resolver
- Be able to apply your new insights and learning across multiple life, work and business domains
Who will benefit from this course?
The course will benefit anyone who wants to improve their conflict management skills, and will be particularly beneficial to those who face the challenge of managing or navigating conflict in their work environments or other organisational contexts.
The course is also offered as an optional foundation course to the negotiation skills course.
David Woolfrey is a practising attorney and an experienced trainer and practitioner in conflict and dispute resolution.
How much?
R5,760 per person
A digital certificate of attendance from UCT will be issued to those who attend the full course.
How to sign up
Complete and submit the registration form. You will then be given the payment information. Please note that registrations will not be accepted until payment has been made.
One or two days before the course, we will send you the Zoom link. You will need to register and use a password to enter the virtual classroom.
Registrations close three days before the course starts.
Download the brochure.
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