The Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (POPIA) gives effect to the right to privacy as set out in the Constitution - it provides the regulatory framework within which organisations may process personal information, thereby giving individuals control over how their personal information is used or disclosed).
In essence, POPIA applies to the processing of personal information of a data subject by or on behalf of a responsible party.
This six-hour course will discuss the grounds for lawful processing and focus on material aspects of the act.
When and where?
We are pleased to present this course twice in 2025:
- 3 to 4 February 2025, 9:00 to 12:00 SAST
- 5 to 6 May 2025, 9:00 to 12:00 SAST
This course will be held remotely, most likely on Zoom - exact details will be sent to registered participants a few days before the course.
Course outline
In this course, we will cover:
- The role players
- Types of personal information
- The conditions for lawful processing:
- Accountability (section 8)
- Processing Limitation (sections 9 to 12)
- Purpose specification (sections 13 and 14)
- Further processing limitation (section 15)
- Information Quality (section 16)
- Openness (sections 17 and 18)
- Security safeguards (sections 19 to 22)
- Data subject participation (sections 23 to 25)
- Concept of consent
- Direct marketing
- Retention of records
- Transfer of personal information cross border
- Information officer
- Information regulator
- Offences, penalties and administrative fines
- POPIA in the workplace
- POPIA in the context of retirement funds
- Comparison – international data privacy laws
Who will benefit from this course?
Lawyers, legal advisors, principal officers, trustees, fund administrators, fund consultants and anyone else interested in data privacy law
Lize De La Harpe is an admitted attorney currently employed by Sanlam Corporate as a Senior Legal Advisor. She has 15 years financial services industry experience as well as extensive knowledge of pension fund law. She holds the following qualifications - a LLB from the University of Stellenbosch, a CFP from the University of the Free State and a Certificate in Compliance Management from UCT. She is a member of the Pension Lawyers Association, IRFA and Batseta. Her 15 years’ experience in the financial services industry includes that of senior legal adviser, acting as a principal officer, serving as a trustee on several retirement fund boards, engaging regularly with regulators, as well as having responsibility for the drafting of fund rules, various fund service level agreements and providing legal advice to funds and administrators on fund matters. Lize is extremely passionate about pension law and has written numerous articles on a board range of topics which are often featured in media publications such as the Pensions World magazine, FA News, Cover Magazine and the Insurance and Tax Law publication (Lexis Nexis). She has also been interviewed by Gugulethu Cele for the Personal Finance show (on CNBC), as well as Laura Du Preez for a feature piece published in Personal Finance.
How much?
R2,970 per person
A digital certificate of attendance from UCT will be issued to those who attend the full course.
How to sign up
Complete and submit the registration form. You will then be given the payment information. Please note that your registration is not complete until payment has been made.
One or two days before the course, we will send you the Zoom link. You will need to register and use a password to access the course.
Registrations close three days before the course starts.
Download the brochure.
You may also be interested in:
- Pension fund law
- Divorce orders and pension interest claims
- Enforcing maintenance orders against pensions and annuities
- Section 37C – death benefits
- Application of the POPI Act in community schemes