Described as “the defining issue of our time”, climate change is a rapidly escalating crisis multiplier that is destabilising global security, stability, and peace. The urgent imperative to transition to a net-zero world has resulted in international multilateral agreements that set legally binding greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for participating nations.

In support of achieving its climate change mitigation commitment of net-zero emissions by 2050, South Africa’s game-changing Climate Change Act was signed into law in July 2024. It is therefore critically important that business and industry have a thorough grasp of the Climate Change Act to prepare for significant shifts in the regulatory landscape once the Act becomes operational.

Join us for this six-hour course in which we will explore the purpose, principles, provisions, and ramifications of the Climate Change Act.

This course will be held remotely, most likely on Zoom - exact details will be sent to registered participants a few days before the course.

Visit the course page.