Understanding ESG and the role of responsible investment and shareholder activism

Since the first King report in 1994, shareholder activism has been recognised as an integral part of the overall corporate governance ecosystem and increasingly so with the current focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG).
The strong recurring theme in the progression of corporate governance is the need for institutional investors to play a significant and proactive role within the context of the overall corporate governance framework, including driving ESG. This four-hour course will give insights into shareholder activism and responsible investment, how it has evolved and the expectations and legal rights that flow from it, as well as best practice corporate governance expectations to support the corporate governance eco system for the institutional investors and investee companies alike.
The course will further give high level insights into the concept of ESG which is dominating the corporate governance agenda both locally and around the world and the stakeholder expectations in this regard.
This four-hour course will give insights to shareholder activism and responsible investing, particularly ESG and sustainability, the legal rights that flow from these, plus best practice corporate governance expectations for investor and investee companies alike.
This course will be held remotely, most likely on Zoom - exact details will be sent to registered participants a few days before the course.