There are a number of requirements specific to the Faculty's research degrees. These include, amongst others, those outlined below.

A full guide for Master's and Doctoral theses is available and should be read in conjunction with the other downloads provided on the pages relevant to your degree type.

Thesis/ Dissertation Proposal

Every research degree candidate must complete a thesis proposal. This download will help to guide the preparation of the proposal, Also provided here is the Research Proposal Submission cover form, to be completed and submitted with your final research proposal.

Ethics Approval

To ensure that any Faculty-based research is carried out with social sensitivity and responsibility, and with respect for the dignity and self-esteem of the individual, and for basic human rights, the Faculty of Law has adopted Guidelines on Research Ethics Relating to Research on Human Subjects. Any student whose research involves human subjects must submit an application for approval to the Research Ethics Committee (REC).

Research Supervision

Research Examination

Dissertation Submission - please read through these full and clear guidelines for information on the process to be followed for fully-digital thesis submission. Also available here is a basic flow-chart that indicates the steps in the submission process and general turn-around times for each step.