Admission to the MPhil degree programme in Law is generally limited to applicants holding the equivalent of a 4-year degree in a non-law discipline. Students typically commence their degree in February of each year.

We offer a number of great programmes, including:

More detailed information about the Law Faculty's Centre of Criminology can be found on the Centre's website.

Requirements for undertaking an MPhil in the Law Faculty

To graduate with a MPhil degree you would need to select and complete four Masters-level Law courses and submit a dissertation of up to 25 000 words on a topic of your choice. Full-time students are expected to complete the requirements within one academic year and part-time students are expected to complete the requirements within two years, except that the dissertation component may be submitted by not later than the Friday before the first term starts the year following the completion of the coursework for students who have completed their coursework in December; and 15 September of the same year for students who have completed their coursework in June. 

Students who register for a general MPhil are free to choose from the numerous courses on offer. However, students wishing to a take one of the specialist MPhil Programmes (such as the MPhil in Criminology) will need to ensure that they take the courses prescribed by that specialisation as outlined in the Law Faculty Handbook.