Faadhil Adams teaches Business Law I and Business Law II |
Lise Bosman teaches Commercial Arbitration. Her research interests lie in international commercial arbitration and investor-State arbitration and she is currently researching a comparative text on African international arbitration practice. |
Graham Bradfield teaches Admiralty Jurisdiction and Practice and International Commercial Transactions. His research interests lie in the fields of Shipping; Credit, Security and Insolvency Law. | |
Dennis Davis' legal interests vary from tax and competition law to jurisprudence and constitutional litigation. He teaches Competition law (at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels) and Advanced Tax Law. |
Jane Franco teaches Business Law I and Business Law II. She is primarily interested in the law surrounding banking and secured transactions. In the past she has published on insolvency and judicial ethics. | |
Andrew Hutchison teaches Commercial Transactions Law and Business Law I. He has completed a PhD in contract law which focuses on fundamental change of circumstances. The major thrust of his research efforts thus centre around contract law, although he is also interested in business law generally and has written on negotiable instruments. Andrew is now an Honorary Professor in the Faculty. | |
Thalia Kruger teaches International Commercial Transactions. She is interested in private international law; international jurisdiction in civil cases and international trade. | |
Rochelle Le Roux teaches mainly labour law and researches and publishes mainly on issues concerning harassment in the workplace and the contract of employment. | |
Caroline Ncube's research interests are in intellectual property law, company law, E-law and the use of ICTs in legal teaching. |
Mikovhe Maphiri teaches Business Law I. Her research interests lie in Internal Corporate Governance, Directors duties, Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) and Sustainability. She is currently researching on Internal CSR with a comparative text on CSR as shareholder value creating mechanism in company law . |
Monique Carels teaches Dispute Resolution (CML4501F), Negotiation (CML4671F/5671F) and Mediation (CML4631S/5631S) |
Ada Ordor pursues research interests in comparative law in Africa. |
Tobias Schonwetter's research interests are in the area of intellectual property, particularly the relationship between intellectual property, development and innovation; and in law & technology. | |
Afton Titus teaches Tax Law. Her main area of interest is tax, tax frameworks and the links between taxation and human rights. | |
Tebello Thabane teaches Company Law and Business Law I. | |
Lee-Ann Tong teaches Intellectual Property Law at LLB and LLM level. Her research interests are in the area of Intellectual Property Law generally with a particular focus on issues arising from employee-made intellectual property. | |
Jacqueline Yeats teaches Advanced Company Law. She is interested broadly in research areas focusing on corporation law. In particular she studies securities, as well as mergers and acquisitions. She also focuses on company law generally and the company law reform process in particular. |