Spotlighting the way forward

Leading up to 2020, the University of Cape Town embarked on a reflective and creative process that re-examined the University vision and culminated in a recalibrated vision for the university. UCT’s Vision 2030 was launched in 2021 and was followed by an invitation to all Faculties to embark on a similar Faculty-based vision process.

The Law Faculty process - Shaping the Future @UCTLaw - took a year of engaged discussion, wide consultation and feedback sessions. Our staff, students, and external stakeholders were invited to join us in reflecting on our commitment to i) preparing our graduates and researchers for a world in which the pace of change continues to accelerate; and ii) ensuring that UCT Law is proactively at the forefront of legal education and research in South Africa and on the continent.   

The process was streamed along three themes:

  • Research & Teaching
  • Administration
  • Faculty Culture 

One of the most valuable aspects of the process was that it gave the Faculty the opportunity to consider several complex questions regarding the future of law in society and the relationship between the LLB curriculum and the knowledge and skills required for our graduates to contribute to ensuring a just and equitable society. The process also helped us address one of the key challenges highlighted in the UCT Inclusivity Survey 2019/2020, ie. the need to improve inclusivity and diversity in our university community.

The UCT Law Vision 2030 document was formally accepted and adopted at the Faculty’s Board meeting of October 2022. It includes an incisive vision statement and outlines the key objectives that will guide the Faculty’s thinking, planning and implementation for the next seven years. It is aligned with the University’s mission to unleash human potential and serves as a clear indication of the goals UCT Law has set for 2030 and the broad steps that will be undertaken to achieve these goals.

The Dean thanks everyone who participated in, and brought so much thoughtfulness and creative energy to, the process.