UCT's Law students participate in mooting and moot competitions, primarily through the student-led UCT Moot Society. This organisation runs an active moot calendar each year, and works with the Faculty's Moot Committee to ensure that students are able to participate in a range of international moot competitions.
Read the 2023 summary of UCT Mooting achievements!
The Moot Soc's activities support Faculty LLB requirements for moot participation - but there are a range of reasons why mooting is a key student activity in law schools around the world. This activity ensures that students learn a range of key skills, including:
- engaging with current issues in Law, often with matters recently adjudicated in South Africa's High Court, Supreme Court of Appeal and the Constitutional Court
- thinking critically and analytically about these legal issues and arguments
- developing legal research and writing skills, and learning how to construct heads of argument
- learning advocacy skills
- working in a "legal" team, with classmates and other law students to build their argument
- gaining practical experience of a close-to-real court situation, and gaining knowledge of standard court procedure.
UCT Law is very fortunate in having engaged alumni in various professional roles who are always willing to bring their skills to share with students, through mooting workshops and skills training, and by participating in moots as judges and assessors.
UCT Moot Soc Committee
The UCT Moot Society's Committee for 2023/2024 is as follows:
Chairperson: Nicola van Tellingen
Vice-chairperson: Haydon Anderson
Secretary: Daniel Erasmus
Treasurer: Art Wynberg
Media & Marketing: Lauren Cwaunza
Events Coordinator: Ropafadzo Zharare
Sponsorship Liaison: Jessica Chuang

Top, from left: Art Wynberg, Nicola van Tellingen, Daniel Erasmus
Bottom, from left: Jessica Chuang, Haydon Anderson, Ropafadzo Zharare, Lauren Cwaunza
Contact the committee on or @uctmootsoc_official chairperson.uctmoot@gmail.com
Moot Events
The Society's key annual event is the Kate O'Regan Intervarsity Moot Competition, adjudicated by attorneys, advocates & High Court judges. There are plenty of other opportunities as well to participate in Moots.