Dates & Deadlines

The university operates on a clearly structured academic calendar. Missing any of these deadlines will definitely impact your progress negatively, so please check below for dates and deadlines that apply to you.

Application submission deadlines (no late applications will be considered):

  • Applications to UCT for postgraduate Law studies for the following year open from beginning April in the current year.
  • For international postgraduate applicants - you are advised to submit your application by 31 August (for reasons of visa applications)
  • It is possible to apply for mid-year intake - please review the available information.
  • For more details contact the School for Advanced Legal Studies.

University Term Dates

Updated UCT calendar information is available on the main UCT website.

Deadline for Scholarship applications administered by the Faculty of Law

Refer to the Law Faculty Handbook or review the information on the Faculty website.

Deadline for payment of fees

Please consult the fees website

Orientation & Registration (LLMs & PGDips)

January and February of the first academic year

Submission of minor dissertations/research papers 

Please contact

Last date to Submit minor dissertations/research with a prior-year registration

Please contact or

Postgraduate Law applications for the next academic year

1 April - 31 August (research degrees) and 30 September (coursework degrees) in the year prior to the planned first year of registration

March/April and September Graduations (variable)

UCT has shifted to have two Graduation seasons each year - one in March/April and one in September. Specific dates will be posted on the Graduation page.