UCT's LLB Accreditation - the good news!

The University of Cape Town Faculty of Law is delighted to have received confirmation of full accreditation for its LLB degree programme.
The Faculty put significant thought, careful planning and great energy into the Improvement Plan submitted to the Council for Higher Education (CHE) according to the requirements set for it as part of the CHE’s National LLB Accreditation process. Drafting the Improvement Plan provided the opportunity to focus on those aspects stipulated by the CHE: Faculty plans for reviewing the curriculum in relation to the purpose of the LLB degree and graduate attributes, improving course co-ordination and the rate at which students progress through the degree, and the extent to which the Faculty incorporates the notion of transformative constitutionalism in course content. The Faculty was particularly pleased with the input and insights provided by its staff, students and graduates.
Working with the CHE, and with the support of UCT’s Institutional Planning Department under the leadership of Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Learning, Associate Professor Lis Lange, the Faculty provided an extensive account of its plans and its mechanisms for monitoring progress going forward.
“We will be keeping a close eye on our Improvement Plan and on our progress – to maintain and drive forward our excellence in legal education”, said a delighted Professor Hugh Corder, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Law, after receiving the news from the CHE today. “We are completely committed to ensuring that the Faculty continues to deserve the high esteem in which its qualifications, especially the LLB degree, are held nationally and internationally”, Corder confirmed.
The full statement is available here, and the CHE letter of accreditation is available here.