UCT Inaugural Lecture: Professor Mohamed Paleker

The Inaugural Lecture of Professor Mohamed Paleker in the Department of Private Law is at 17:30 on Tuesday, 7 May 2024. The lecture is titled “The 'One-Shotter'-'Repeat-Player' dichotomy in the South African Civil Justice system: Transformative steps to bridge the gap”.
The differentiation between one-shotters (OSs) and repeat players (RPs) in litigation is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to identify the individuals or entities who approach courts and their motives for doing so. Secondly, it sheds light on the power imbalance between different litigants in litigation. Categorising litigants into OSs and RPs helps understand the reasons behind this disparity. This knowledge can aid in critically analysing the litigation system to ascertain its fairness. Thirdly, the OS-RP differentiation can help law reformers determine whether certain cases require specialised procedures or interventions to make litigation less complex and improve access to justice. In summary, this distinction provides a fresh perspective for evaluating South African civil procedure, its strengths, and weaknesses.