Examination, graduation and related arrangements

13 Nov 2015
13 Nov 2015

Students registered for undergraduate qualifications/programmes will have the choice to elect to take their 2015 year-end examinations in January 2016.   The option is to defer the full set or none.

The default will be that a student writes in the November 2015 exam block; in other words, unless a student elects the deferred option she/he must write according to the rescheduled November exam timetable.

An eligible student wishing to write the full set of November exams in January (and not write in November)  

  • must respond to the letter inviting her or him to do so (these letters will be  issued on 2 or 3 November 2015);
  • will have to elect to take his/her full set in January 2016; 
  • will have until  noon on Friday 6 November 2015 to do so; 
  • will make this election online by a self-service function; 
  • will do so conscious of the facts (a) that there will be a charge for residence accommodation should she/he wish to be in residence in January 2016 during the January 2016 exam period; and (b) that there will be no supplementary examinations arising from the 2nd (January 2016) set of examinations (though faculties may arrange oral or other supplementary testing for borderline cases) and (d) that deferral is not possible on a deferred examination.

A student who does not defer the full block but subsequently needs for one or other good reason to defer all or some of these will have the option of applying for deferred exams in the usual way.  The normal criteria for deferred exams apply and are detailed below of ease of reference.

G27.1 “Senate may allow a student to write a deferred examination where he or she is unable to write a final examination for medical reasons, or has religious objections, or political objections or other good cause for not writing on the scheduled day or days.” 

Therefore if the reason for deferment is not MEDICAL the student must provide appropriate substantiating documentation. For more information please contact Vanessa Chitter.