Public Lecture 1st March 17h30

20 Feb 2018
20 Feb 2018

PUBLIC LECTURE - PROFESSOR ANGELA J DAVIS | 1st March 2018 | 17h30 | Kramer Law Building

Professor Angela J. Davis - a criminal law expert at American University Washington College of Law - will be visiting the UCT Faculty of Law on 1st March 2018 to give a lunchtime lecture to students, and a public lecture in the evening - focused on her latest book "Policing the Black Man".  Prof Davis will focus in her lectures on prosecution, power and racism in the US criminal justice system.

This provides students, staff and those interested in criminal prosecution to gain insights into power and racism in the prosecutorial context in the USA.  The Faculty is very pleased to be hosting Professor Davis on 1st March, and invites you to join us at 17h30 to hear Professor Davis in conversation with Dean of Law, Professor Penelope Andrews. 

If you would like to attend - where you will also be able to purchase copies of "Policing the Black Man", and get your copy signed by the author - please rsvp to

Here is a download copy of the public lecture poster.