AW Mellon PostDoc - application deadline Thurs 15 November

13 Nov 2018
13 Nov 2018

The A W Mellon Foundation has provided a grant to support a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Rhetoric Studies (CRhS), in the Faculty of Law, University of Cape Town. Applications are invited from doctoral graduates in a relevant discipline, to register as a CRhS Postdoctoral Research Fellow to conduct research on the impact or the significance of rhetoric for a democratic society.   

The full application details are available here and below.



The A W Mellon Foundation has provided a grant to support a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Rhetoric Studies (CRhS), in the Faculty of Law, University of Cape Town. Applications are invited from doctoral graduates in a relevant discipline, to register as a CRhS Postdoctoral Research Fellow to conduct research on the impact or the significance of rhetoric for a democratic society. Black South Africans (as defined by current equity policy) are encouraged to apply.

Conditions of Award | While preference will be given to applicants who achieved their Doctoral degree with distinction, the selection committee may exercise discretion in this regard; applicants must have achieved their doctoral degree within the past five years; applicants may not have held any full-time or professional posts; the successful candidate will be required to register as a CRhS Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Cape Town; candidates who are employed full-time are ineligible to apply; the successful candidate will be required to comply with the university’s approved policies, procedures & practices for the postdoctoral sector; the Fellow is expected to play an active role in the Centre and the Faculty at large, particularly in seminars. writing & publishing.

Value and tenure | R190,000 per annum for one year (renewal for a further year will be considered).

Application Requirements | a one-page letter of application; short one-page CV; list (< 2 pages) of publications/ conference; copies of university-level academic transcripts; copy of PhD dissertation, or one peer-reviewed, published article; 2 reference letters from academics who have taught, supervised or worked alongside the applicant.

Applications (preferably by email) should be sent to:  Distinguished Professor Ph-J Salazar | Director: Centre for Rhetoric Studies | Dept of Private Law | University of Cape Town | Private Bag X3 | Rondebosch 7701 |

DEADLINE:  Thursday 15 NOVEMBER 2018

Applications that are incomplete, late or inappropriate will be disqualified.

The University of Cape Town reserves the right to:

  • disqualify ineligible, incomplete, inappropriate and/or late applications, and
  • to change the conditions of award or to make no awards at all.