Missed First Year Campus Reception?

If you didn’t make it to the First Year Campus Reception (FYCR), don’t be concerned. You're still able to register.
Simply follow the steps below:
- Complete the declaration on your FYCR tile on the UCTApp as per the instructions on your welcome letter you were sent by the Admissions Director.
- Visit the admissions office, Level 4, Masingene Building, Middle Campus with your original ID and have it verified
- After verification you can go to the Access Control office in the Leslie Social Building (until the end of February 2025)
- Any queries relating to the above process, please contact the UCT STUDENT SYSTEMS SUPPORT – 021 650 5227
- If you have opted in for the laptop programme: once all your verification has been completed and you have your student card you may proceed to collect your laptop from 5 February 2025 from the ICTS Building, 7 Main Road, Mowbray. Campus Security will direct you.
For all academic enquiries, please chat to your Faculty Office - Law's Faculty Office is on Level 4 of the Kramer Law Building.
Welcome to UCT!