Prof Ncube joins Law and Tech journal Editorial Board

Professor Caroline Ncube, Chair of Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development in the Faculty's Department of Commercial Law, has joined the editorial board of Law, Technology and Humans.
According to Law, Technology and Humans website, this journal is
"an international, open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing original, innovative research concerned with the human and humanity of law and technology. Law, Technology and Humans publishes collections of articles in special issues and symposiums, and individual articles.
Committed to the wide and unrestricted dissemination of knowledge Law, Technology and Humans encourages scholarship that reflects on how technology is changing law, regulation and normative conduct and also how law, regulation and normative conduct effects local and global challenges and opportunities from technological change...Due to its human and humanity focus Law, Technology and Humans is particularly welcoming of interdisciplinary and theoretically informed scholarship. Manuscripts that consider law and technology though the humanities, social sciences, political, social, media and technology theory, economics and empirical studies are particularly encouraged, as are manuscripts that consider law, technology and humans in the context of Asian, southern, postcolonial and First Nation societies."
Professor Ncube joins three other new international members of the journal's editorial board:
Professor Jeannie Marie Paterson, Professor of Law and Co-Director Centre for the Centre for AI and Digital Ethics, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Professor Michael Birnhack, Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University, Israel
- Associate Professor Colin Gavaghan, Director of the New Zealand Law Foundation Centre for Law and Policy in Emerging Technologies, University of Otago, New Zealand.
Says Professor Ncube of this recent appointment: "I’m looking forward to working with the rest of the editorial board".