National Security and Secrecy - the implications?

The Law Faculty will focus this week on national security, the state, and comparative effects on democracy and the rule of law. Professor Sudha Setty, Dean of Law at Western New England University - and author of a new book on this topic - will be visiting UCT this week to discuss these issues and to share insights on government, accountability and transparency.
Prof Setty's scholarly work has focused on analyses of separation of powers, rule of law and national security issues - and her most recent book, National Security Secrecy: Comparative Effects on Democracy and the Rule of Law, was published in 2017 by Cambridge University Press.

Professor Setty will be sharing her insights and expertise at the following events this week:
- A Lunchtime Lecture on Thursday 10th May on government accountability and the need for transparency | LT3 13h00
- An evening lecture on Thursday 10th May on national security secrecy and its impact on democracy and the rule of law | LT 3 17h00 (Refreshments will be served, so please RSVP to if you would like to attend, for catering numbers). All are welcome so please join us!
- A lunchtime staff seminar on Friday 11th May at 13h00
- Student workshops on Monday 14th May
The Faculty is very pleased to host Prof Setty, particularly because of the implications of state security and secrecy, and accountability and transparency - and the impacts on democracy and the rule of law - in South Africa.