Appeal to step up water savings

The University of Cape Town is not only putting short-term plans and water-management measures in place toward avoiding Day Zero, but is investing significantly in becoming a water-wise, water-efficient campus into the future. Acting VC, Professor Loretta Feris, yesterday issued a statement outlining UCT's current planning to avoid closure in the event of Day Zero. One of the core strategies is to encourage members of the UCT Community to be part of the 40% who currently are effecting the required water savings (ie. below 87litres per person per day now, and 50litres per person per day come 1st Feb - although we should all have reduced our water usage to 50litres per person per day already). Every saved drop counts!
Appeal to step up water-saving measures as day zero looms
Dear members of the UCT community,
Cape Town is, as you know, experiencing the worst drought in recorded history. It is therefore incumbent on all of us as residents of Cape Town to use water extremely sparingly and to put an end to water wastage. There is a very real risk that Cape Town could run out of water by mid-April 2018 if water conservation targets are not achieved.
Day Zero is the dire reality we face when most taps will be turned off and residents will have to queue for water. Day Zero would kick in when the dams are down to 13.5%. It is hard to extract water from the dams when they are below 10%.
The City of Cape Town announced last week that Day Zero is now likely to happen, adding that 60% of Capetonians won’t save water and must be forced to do so now.