The 2017 Ben Beinart Memorial Lecture

14 Nov 2017
14 Nov 2017

TWAIL and the Decolonisation of International Law  |  Professor Antony Anghie (National University of Singapore)

will be delivering the 2017 Ben Beinart Memorial Lecture,  Thursday 23rd November | 17h00 | Oliver Tambo Moot Court

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About Professor Anghie

Antony T. Anghie is Professor of Law at the National University of Singapore. He has served as Professor of Law at the University of Utah and as Visiting Professor at the American University Cairo, at Cornell, at Harvard, at the London School of Economics, and at the University of Tokyo. Professor Anghie's research interests include (amongst many others) globalisation, development issues, and international law; colonialism and the history of public international law; and Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL).

In his book Imperialism, Sovereignty and the Making of International Law (2005) he argues that the colonial confrontation was central to the formation of international law and its founding concept, sovereignty.

About Professor Ben Beinart

Inaugurated in 2003, the Ben Beinart Memorial Lecture is dedicated to the memory of the legendary Ben Beinart, who held the W.P. Schreiner Professor of Law at UCT Law from 1950 to1974.

Professor Beinart has been described by Professor Barry Dean as “uncompromisingly honest, acting always in accordance with the highest standards of propriety and integrity in both his personal and academic life but always tolerant, ready to see both sides of any question and to  respect the views of others, even those with whom he disagreed”, and Beinart is well-remembered for his love of Roman-Dutch Law.

The Ben Beinart Memorial Lecture is generously sponsored by