Shearing, C. & Berg, J. Forthcoming. Advanced Introduction to Criminology. Elgar Advanced Introduction Series. Edward Elgar.
Holley, C., Phelan, L & Shearing, C. Eds. 2021. Criminology and Climate: Insurance and the Regulation of Harmscapes. (In the Series “Criminology at the Edge”, Eds. Leclerc, B., Homel, R. and Shearing, C.). Routledge.
Dewey, M., Dohmen, C. Engwicht, N. and Hübschle, A. 2019: Schattenwirtschaft: Die Macht der illegalen Märkte. Berlin: Wagenbach.
Holley, C. & Shearing, C. Eds. 2018. Criminology and the Anthropocene (In the Series Criminology at the Edge, Eds. Leclerc, B., Homel, R. and Shearing, C.). Routledge.
Harrington, C. & Shearing, C. 2017. Security in the Anthropocene: Reflections on Safety and Care. Bielefeld, Transcript.
Hübschle, Annette. 2022. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown regulations on wildlife poaching hotspots and trafficking routes in southern Africa. USAID.
Hübschle, A. 2021. Community and community practitioners' attitudes, perspectives and perceptions of protected areas, conservation and community safety in the context of illegal wildlife trade. White River: WWF Khetha & USAID. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.10776.93445/1 (with Bakholise Jojo)
Hübschle, A. 2021. Guidelines for research in communities: A methodology for understanding community attitudes, perspectives and perceptions of protected areas and community safety in the context of illegal wildlife trade. White River: USAID & WWF Khetha. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.33898.85444
Dupont, B., Shearing, C. & Bernier, M. 2020. Withstanding cyber-attacks: Cyber-resilience practices in the financial sector. Global Risk Institute. 1-22. Final Report. Available online: https://globalriskinstitute.org/publications/withstanding-cyber-attacks-cyber-resilience-practices-in-the-financial-sector/
Hübschle, Annette, 2019: Wildlife poisoning in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area White River: WWF Khetha & USAID.
Stenning, P., Shearing, C., Ransley, J., Porter, A. & Mutongwizo, T. 2019. Policing Very Remote Communities in Queensland: Lessons to be Learned. Report prepared for the Queensland Police Service, Australia. Brisbane: Griffith Criminology Institute.
Hübschle, Annette with Mafaro Kasipo. 2018. Gendered perspectives in law enforcement and fisheries crime: A Global South perspective. Vienna: LE Femmes, Pesca Dolus.
Hubschle, A., with Shearing, C. 2018. Ending Wildlife Trafficking: Local Communities as Change Agents. Geneva: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime. 1-48.
Book Chapters:
Dore, A., Hübschle, A. & Batley, M. 2022. Towards Environmental Restorative Justice in South Africa: How to understand and address wildlife offences. Submission to the Palgrave Handbook on Environmental Restorative Justice,
Shearing, C., Smith, E. & Walters, J. 2022. The Anthropocene and Criminological theory. In: Harkness, A., Peterson, J., Bowden, M., Pedersen, C. & Donnermeyer, J., Eds. Encyclopedia of Rural Crime. Bristol University Press, 53 – 55.
Mutongwizo, T., Blaustein, J., & Shearing, C.D. 2022. Resilience policing and climate change: Adaptive responses to hydrological emergencies. In Wright, M., and Cordner, G. Eds. Routledge Handbook of Policing Within a Crisis.
Wood, J., Burris, S., & Shearing, C. 2022. From Incrementalism to Radical Restructuring: A Preface. In: Bartkowiak-Theron, I., Clover, J., Martin, D., Southly, B. & Croft, N., Eds. Law Enforcement and Public Health: Partners for Community Safety and Wellbeing. Springer.
Blaustein, J., Mutongwizo, T. & Shearing, C. 2022. Going Nodal: Multi-sited Policing Ethnography. In Charman, S. & Fleming, J. Eds. Handbook of Police Ethnography. Routledge.
Berg, J. & Shearing, C. 2021. Polycentric Security Governance and Sustainable Development in the Global South. In: Blaustein, J., Fitz-Gibbon, K. & Pino, N. Eds. The Emerald Handbook on Crime, Justice and Sustainable Development .153.
Holley, C., Phelan, L. & Shearing, C. 2021. Dark Clouds: Regulatory Possibilities. In: Holley, C. & Shearing, C. Eds. Criminology and Climate: Insurance, Finance and the Regulation of Harmscapes (In the Series Criminology at the Edge, Eds. Leclerc, B., Homel, R. and Shearing, C.). Routledge.
Simpson, N.P., 2021. Insurance in the Anthropocene: Exposure, Solvency and Manoeuvrability, In Holley, C., Phelan, L.& Shearing, C. Eds. Criminology and Climate: Insurance, Finance and the Regulation of Harmscapes (In the Series Criminology at the Edge, Eds. Leclerc, B., Homel, R. and Shearing, C.). Routledge, https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429201172-9.
Mackenzie, S., Hübschle, A. and Yates, D. 2020: Global Trade in Stolen Culture and Nature as Neocolonial Hegemony. In: Blaustein, J., Fitz-Gibbon, K., Pino, N.W. and White, R. (eds.) The Emerald Handbook of Crime, Justice and Sustainable Development. Emerald Publishing Limited. 419-437.
Stenning, P. & Shearing, C. 2020. Global Development in Policing Provision in the 21st Century. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology. Oxford University Press.
Perkins, G., Howell, S. & Shearing, C. 2020. The Spectre of Trauma in the South African Police Service. In: McDaniel, J., Moss, K., & Pease, K. Eds. Policing and Mental Health: Theory, Policy and Practice. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice series. CRC Press.
Phelan, L., Holley, C., Shearing, C. & du Toit, L. 2020. Insurance and Climate Change. In: Brisman, A. & South, N. Eds. Routledge International Handbook of Green Criminology. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge.
Holley, C., Kennedy, A., Mutongwizo, T & Shearing, C. 2020. Public Servants and Regulator Capture in Energy and Environmental Governance. In. Sullivan, H & Dickinson, H. Eds. The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant. Palgrave Macmillan.
Stenning, P. & Shearing, C. 2020. Global Development in Policing Provision in the 21 Century. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology. Oxford University Press.
Holley, C., Kennedy, A., Mutongwizo, T & Shearing, C. 2020. Public Servants and Regulator Capture in Energy and Environmental Governance. In. Sullivan, H & Dickinson, H. Eds. The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant. Palgrave Macmillan.
Berg, J. & Shearing, C. 2020. Polycentric Security Governance and Sustainable Development in the Global South. In: Blaustein, J., Fitz-Gibbon, K. & Pino, N. Eds. The Emerald Handbook on Crime, Justice and Sustainable Development .153
Mackenzie, S., Hübschle, A. and Yates, D. 2020: Global Trade in Stolen Culture and Nature as Neocolonial Hegemony. In: Blaustein, J., Fitz-Gibbon, K., Pino, N.W. and White, R. (eds.) The Emerald Handbook of Crime, Justice and Sustainable Development. Emerald Publishing Limited. 419-437.
Phelan, L., Holley, C., Shearing, C. & du Toit, L. 2020. Insurance and Climate Change. In: Brisman, A. & South, N. Eds. Routledge International Handbook of Green Criminology. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge.
Perkins, G., Howell, S. & Shearing, C. 2020. The Spectre of Trauma in the South African Police Service. In: McDaniel, J., Moss, K., & Pease, K. Eds. Policing and Mental Health: Theory, Policy and Practice. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice series. CRC Press.
Hübschle, Annette, 2019: Fluid interfaces between flows of rhino horn. In: A. Amicelle, et al. (eds.), The Policing of Flows: Challenging Contemporary Criminology. London: Routledge.
Froestad, J., Nøkleberg, M., Shearing, C. & Trollip, H. 2018. South Africa’s Minerals - Energy - Complex: Flows, regulation, governance and policing. In: Omorogbe, Y. & Order, A. Eds. Ending Africa's Energy Deficit and the Law: Achieving Sustainable Energy for All in Africa. Oxford University Press, 308-343.
Holley, C. & Shearing, C. 2018. Thriving on a Pale Blue Dot: Criminology and the Anthropocene. In: Holley, C. & Shearing, C. Eds. Criminology and the Anthropocene (In the Series Criminology at the Edge, Eds. Leclerc, B., Homel, R. and Shearing, C.), Routledge, 1 – 24.
Holley C. & Sinclair D, 2018, 'Replenishing Australia’s Water Future: From Stagnation to Innovation', in Holley C; Sinclair D (ed.), Reforming Water Law and Governance: From Stagnation to Innovation in Australia, Springer Nature Singapore, Singapore, pp. 1 - 31,
Holley C. & Sinclair D. 2018. Water Markets and Regulation: Implementation, Successes and Limitations, in Holley C; Sinclair D (ed.), Reforming Water Law and Governance From Stagnation to Innovation in Australia, Springer, Singapore, pp. 141 - 168.
Stenning, P. & Shearing, C. 2018. Governing Plural Policing Provision: Legal Perspectives, Challenges and Ideas. In: den Boer, M. Ed. Comparative Policing from a Legal Perspective, 46-63. Research Handbooks in Comparative Law Series. Edward Elgar.
Journal Articles:
Holley, C., Kennedy, A. & Shearing, C. Forthcoming 2022. Power, conflict, and energy law: learning from unconventional natural gas, non-state actors, industry, and government. Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, & Energy Law. 18.1 Fall.
Dupont, B., Shearing, C., Bernier, M. & Leukfeldt, R. 2022. The Tensions of Cyber-Resilience: From Sensemaking to Practice. Telematics and Informatics. Preprint available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4224537
van Dijk, A., Cordner, G. & Shearing, C. 2022. Policing the pandemic: public health, law enforcement, and the use of force. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being. Vol 7(2). https://doi.org/10.35502/jcswb.246
Hübschle, A., Dore, A. & Davies-Mostert, H. 2021. Focus on victims and the community: applying restorative justice principles to wildlife crime offences in South Africa. The International Journal of Restorative Justice, 4(1) :141-150 doi: 10.5553/TIJRJ.000068
Hübschle, A. 2021. Comparative analysis of illicit supply network structure and operations: Cocaine, wildlife, and sand. Journal of Illicit Economies and Development. 3(1): 50-73. http://doi.org/10.31389/jied.76 (with Nicholas Magliocca et al)
Berg, J. & Shearing, C. 2021. Criminology: Some Lines of Flight. Journal of Criminology. 54(1): 21-33. https://doi.org/10.1177/26338076211014569
Cordner, G., Maguire, E. & Shearing, C. 2021. Policing, Politics and Democracy: David Bayley’s Enduring Contributions. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. Special Issue in honor of David Bayley – Police and Policing: Comparative Perspectives on Reform. Spring 2021.
Simpson, N., Rabenold, C., Sowman, M., & Shearing, C. 2021. Adoption rationales and effects of off-grid renewable energy access for African youth: A case study from Tanzania. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. Volume 141, May 2021, 110793
Berg, J & Shearing, C. 2020. Private Security’s Accountabilities within Polycentric Assemblages. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice.
Hübschle, A., Dore, A. & Davies-Mostert, H. 2021. Focus on victims and the community: applying restorative justice principles to wildlife crime offences in South Africa. The International Journal of Restorative Justice, 4(1) :141-150 doi: 10.5553/TIJRJ.000068
Simpson, N.P. Rabenold, C., Sowman, M., Shearing, CD., 2021. Adoption rationales and effects of off-grid renewable energy access for African youth: A case study from Tanzania, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 141(110793): 1-17, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2021.110793.
Gore, M.L., Hübschle, A., Botha et.al. 2020. A conservation criminology-based desk assessment of vulture poisoning in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area. Global Ecology and Conservation.
Babatunde, E.O. 2020 ‘Rethinking Rawls: Distributive justice in the age of climate change’ 33(2) Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence.
Berg, J & Shearing, C. 2020. Private Security’s Accountabilities within Polycentric Assemblages. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice.
Shearing, C. 2020. Citizens and Denizens. The International Journal of Restorative Justice. 3(1): 57-62.
Gore, M.L., Hübschle, A., Botha et.al. 2020. A conservation criminology-based desk assessment of vulture poisoning in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area. Global Ecology and Conservation
Holley, C., Mutongwizo, T. & Shearing, C. 2020. Conceptualizing Policing and Security: New Harmscapes, the Anthropocene and Technology. Annual Review of Criminology, vol 3
Simpson, N.P., Shearing, C.D. & Dupont, B. 2020. ‘Partial functional redundancy’: An expression of household-level resilience in response to climate risk. Climate Risk Management.
Simpson, N.P., Shearing, C.D. & Dupont , B. 2020. Gated Adaptation during the Cape Town Drought: Mentalities, Transitions and Pathways to Partial Nodes of Water Security, Society & Natural Resources.
Babatunde, E.O. (2019) 'Rulebook for a changing climate' YaleGlobal Online.
Babatunde, E.O. (2019) ‘In the light of different national circumstances: Equity and climate change under the Paris Agreement’ vol. IV (2) Cambridge Law Review 105.
Hamann, R., Makaula, L., Ziervogel, G., Shearing, C., Zhang, A. 2020. Strategic Responses to Grand Challenges: Why and How Corporations build Community Resilience. Journal of Business Ethics. 161: 835–853.
Holley, C., Mutongwizo,T., Shearing, C. & Kennedy , A. 2019. Shaping Unconventional Gas Regulation: Industry Influence and Risks of Agency Capture in Texas, Colorado and Queensland. Environmental Planning and Law Journal. 36: 510 – 530.
Holley, C., Kennedy , A., Mutongwizo, T. & Shearing, C. 2019. Governing Energy Transitions: Unconventional Gas, Renewables and their Environmental Nexus. Environmental and Planning Law Journal. 36: 427 – 436.
Morgan, B., Hunt, X. Sieratzki, J., Woll, B. & Tomlinson, M. 2019. Atypical maternal cradling laterality in an impoverished South African population. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition. 24(3): 320-341.
Mutongwizo, T., Holley, C., Shearing, C.D. & Simpson, N.P. 2019. Resilience policing: An emerging response to shifting harm landscapes, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice.
Simpson, N., Simpson, K., Shearing, C. & Cirolia, L.R. 2019. Municipal Finance and Resilience Lessons for Urban Infrastructure Management: A Case Study from the Cape Town Drought. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development (TJUE).
Simpson, N.P., Searing, C. & Dupont B. 2019. Climate gating: A case study of emerging responses to Anthropocene Risks. Climate Risk Management vol. 26.
Simpson, N.P., Shearing, C. & Dupont, B.. 2019. When Anthropocene shocks contest conventional mentalities: a case study from Cape Town. Climate and Development.
Simpson, N.P. & Krönke, M. 2019. Police in Zimbabwe: Helping hand or iron fist? Afrobarometer.
Berg, J. (2018) Review of: Paul Higate and Mats Utas, eds. Private Security in Africa: From the Global Assemblage to the Everyday. London: Zed Books, 2017. viii + 184 pp. ISBN: 9781786990259. African Studies Review, 61(1): 259-260. [Book Review]
Holley, C., Shearing, C., Harrington, C., Kennedy, A. & Mutongwizo, T. 2018. Environmental Security and the Anthropocene in Law, Criminology and International Relations. Annual Review of Law and Social Science. Vol. 14 (1): 185-203.
Mutongwizo, T. 2018. Comparing NGO Resilience and ‘Structures of Opportunity’ in South Africa and Zimbabwe (2010–2013), Voluntas, vol. 29:373 - 387.
Shearing, C. & Berg, J. 2018. Governing through Harm: Preliminary thoughts from the Global South. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.
Simpson, N.P. 2018. Accommodating landscape-scale shocks: Lessons on transition from Cape Town and Puerto Rico, Geoforum.
Simpson, N.P. and Basta, C. 2018. Sufficiently capable for effective participation in environmental impact assessment? Environmental Impact Assessment Review.
Simpson, N.P. 2018. Applying the capability approach to enhance the conceptualisation of well-being in environmental assessment. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities.