Environmental Entrepreneurs Support Initiative (EESI) is a community engagement programme, supported by, and undertaken by the Global Risk Governance programme, University of Cape Town, in conjunction with, the Mauerberger Foundation.
The EESI project supports young leaders, of exceptional ability, who are already realising outcomes that advance environmental sustainability and who are at a point in their careers where they will benefit from support that enhances their leadership capacities.

BEEP (Beyond Expectation Environmental Project)
EESI supports the grassroots organisation BEEP (Beyond Expectation Environmental Project) with a particular focus on enabling BEEP to support young learners in disadvantaged communities through the lens of ‘environmental security’. Young mentors are being assisted through Beyond Expectation Environmental Project (BEEP) to develop their capacity to offer environmental education services to schools and other educational institutions.
BEEP's programme works through ‘incubation hubs’ it has developed. These hubs provide support across the schooling career of learners to assist them in meeting their academic objectives and supporting them in developing their environmental awareness. BEEP’s engagement with these learners has displayed and continues to display a significant commitment to developing their careers as young adults, enabled to contribute to environmental challenges. Read more about the project here >>
SA Urban Food & Farming Trust
EESI provides support to entrepreneurs together with the SA Urban Food & Farming Trust, The goal of this project is to assist one or more entrepreneurial organic vegetable farmers to adapt their technical farming skills in support of environmental education and individual/household nutrition security, and thereby to become an independent service provider to food gardening programmes.

The 2021-22 Environmental Entrepreneur Support Initiative includes a programme run by the SA Urban Food & Farming Trust, to enhance the impacts of agricultural-focussed green entrepreneurs. This programme is promoting, enabling and supporting cultivation of diverse indigenous perennial food and medicinal crops by existing urban food gardeners in Langa, in order to link environmental stewardship with improved livelihoods and quality of life in this under resourced community. Read more about the programme here >>
EESI, aims to enhance the environmental awareness of learners by supporting Hillwood Primary School’s eco club programme through environmentally-focused education site visits around Cape Town.
This year, 146, Grade 4 learners, were taken on a trip to the Company Gardens, Iziko Museum and the Planetarium. Read more about the excursion here >>>