The CCLA jointly with Law@Work hosted its second Research Capacity Building Workshop from 17 to 20 September 2019 at the Oliver Tambo Moot Court, Kramer Law Building, UCT. The workshop was fully sponsored by the TY Danjuma Fund for Law and Policy Development in Africa (TYD Fund). The TYD Fund was established at the University of Cape Town in 2014 to support the work of the CCLA in research, capacity building and information sharing for the advancement of well researched initiatives in the law and policy environment for development in Africa. This edition of the workshop hosted mostly early to midcareer law researchers from the Law Faculties of four Nigerian universities, namely University of Abuja, University of Jos, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Lagos State University as well as the lead legal research institute, Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (NIALS). Participants also included CCLA’s PhD students.