Members of the Institute supervise several PhD/LLM/MPhil student dissertations each year. These students research a broad array of issues in the area on marine and environmental law. Students currently completing their dissertations wholly/partly under the supervision of IMEL academic members of staff include:
- Desmond Owuoth (Kenyan - PhD) – ‘Biodiversity Conservation Beyond Protected Areas: The Role of Law in Implementing Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures in Kenya’
- Pooja Karia (Tanzanian – PhD) – ‘Public Participation in the Extractives Industry in East Africa’
- Jacques Jacobs (South African – PhD) – ‘Communal Governance of Land Tenure Security in South Africa: Meeting the Constitutional
- Mabvuto Sikala (Zambian – PhD) – ‘Regulating Mining in Protected Areas:
A Comparative Analysis of Zambia, Tanzania and South Africa’ - Julia Rushton (South African – LLM) – ‘Regulating Mining in and around South Africa’s Protected Areas’
- Val Govender (South African – LLM) – ‘An Adaptive Legal System: Can South Africa’s Environmental Impact Assessment Regime Allow for Climate Change Adaptation and Adaptive Management?’
- Heinrich Muller (South African – LLM) – ‘A Critical Review of South Africa’s Contaminated Land Regime’
- Maame Boateng (Ghanaian – LLM) – ‘From Ambition to Action: Inclusive Global Climate Governance and the Paris Agreement’