IMEL Courses & Block-Teaching Dates (2022)

We are very pleased to let you know that all our postgraduate programmes and courses are on offer in 2022. We are also very pleased to let you know that we will be returning to face-to-face format for the majority of the courses - naturally contingent on the government not re-imposing very stringent lockdown measures again in 2022. We have secured large off-campus venues near UCT for the courses running in the first semester and will similarly do so in the second semester should sufficient venues allowing for satisfactory social distancing not be available on campus. We have also determined the block-teaching week dates for the following courses in 2022:
- Principles of Environmental Law (PBL5640F/PBL4640F)
- 14-18 February 2022
- 10-13 May 2022
- Land Use Planning Law (PBL5641F/PBL4641F)
- 21-25 February 2022
- 16-19 May 2022
- International Environmental Law (PBL5619S/PBL4619S)
- 25-29 July 2022
- 3-7 October 2022
- Natural Resources Law (PBL5642S/PBL4642S)
- 1-5 August 2022
- 10-14 October 2022
- Pollution Law (PBL5643S/PBL4643S)
- 8-12 August 2022
- 17-21 October 2022
You will be required to attend the block-teaching sessions for the courses you chose to take in person (ie be in Cape Town), but can undertake all your remaining studies outside of the block-teaching sessions during the semester at home via correspondence.
Please further note that Prof Alexander Paterson ( will be the IMEL Programme Convener in 2022, and should you have any queries, please do be in touch with him.