Natural Resources Law students support the #SaveThePHA court case

2019 has ended off on a high note for the Natural Resources Law students, as they attended a case hearing brought by the Philippi Horticultural Area against the government, under the #SaveThePHA campaign. The Philippi Horticultural Area is famously known as Cape Town’s food basket, therefore any developmental threat to the area threatens the City’s food security. In the Western Cape High Court, the students experienced first-hand how South Africa’s agricultural resources get impacted by local planning decisions, and saw the law at play. This trip formed part of the Agricultural Resources seminar held on that day. During the seminar presentations, Amanda Mkhonza highlighted the many legislative frameworks that regulate our agricultural resources, and engaged the students on various issues including: the implementation of these many laws, the regulatory gaps within the frameworks, and issues of overlaps with other environmental laws. She also probed the students on how this legally inundated sector can be better streamlined and clarified. The highlight of the day, however, remained this exciting moment for the students, in which they took a stand in protecting South Africa’s agricultural resources.