IMEL Hosts Collaborative EIA Training Workshop Provided by DEA & DEADP
The impending establishment of the 'one environmental management system' which seeks to bring together the management of all activities, including mining, with a potential environmental impacts under one roof - the National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998) - necessitated the substantial amendment of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations. The amendments will have implications for Applicants, Environmental Assessment Practitioners and Interested and Affected Parties. The national Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), together with the relevant Provincial departments dealing with environmental management and administration, therefore decided to host a series of seminars which are aimed at introducing the revised regulations, including the rationale for the amendments and providing guidance on the implementation thereof. The Western Cape seminar was hosted at UCT and represents a collaborative effort between DEA, the provincial Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning (DEA&DP), IAIA Western Cape and IMEL, with the substantive training being provided by the national and provincial Departments. The seminar was attended by approximately 150 participants and included both more formal training and various Question and Answer sessions that provided an opportunity for practitioners to engage with government. IMEL is proud to have hosted the event and looks forward to future collaborations with government and the IAIA in connection with the amended EIA Regulations.