IMEL Presents a Short Course on Energy Law

08 Oct 2014
08 Oct 2014

New Leaves (Small)

IMEL, together with UCT's Law@Work Project, will be presenting a short course on Energy Law from 21-23 October 2014. The three day course is designed to give participants an understanding of the new and broad area of energy law given the development of new and rapidly emerging potential sources of energy and related developments in the field. These range from oil and gas law, including the potential of shale gas, to renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind energy. The course will cover commercial law, revenue law, and environmental law and related areas and will give participants a basic understanding of the law relating to energy and will provided a broad understanding of the legal environment in which international transactions occur in South Africa. This course will benefit government officials, legislators, policymakers and industry regulators; professionals from the upstream, midstream and downstream petroleum, (un)conventional gas and power sector looking to get a better understanding of the legal and institutional framework ; lawyers and investment consultants wanting to understand the span of the legal systems and contractual agreements governing energy operations in South Africa; banking and financial services professionals looking to play a key role in financing energy and thus seeking a pragmatic understanding of the sectors; investors and entrepreneurs ; and every player and stakeholder involved in energy and environmental issues in the energy sector. For further information, please contact