Prof Fatima Khan research presentation at Palais des Academies Brussels

Prof Fatima Khan recently presented four years of research at the Palais des Academies Brussels on issues such as Externalisation; Temporary Protection as a complementary pathway for protection; and Vulnerability & Rights of refugees.
This research had received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 and was conducted in collaboration with 13 universities under the leadership of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS).
Several members of the EU parliament as well as the Madeline Garlick (Chief of the Protection Policy and Legal Advice Section of UNHCR) attended the conference.
Prof Khan's presentation was well received and was considered valuable in light of the EU adoption of the same policy for Ukrainians.
This four year research project has resulted in a range of publications, including three book chapters, a policy brief, a country report, two research reports, several podcasts and presentations at conferences globally.