Individual research staff members engage in the writing of articles and case notes for peer reviewed journals. A full list of articles and publications authored and co-authored by members of the Refugee Rights Unit team is listed below.
Fatima Khan & Cecile Sackeyfio ‘Situating the Global Compact for Refugees in Africa: Will it make a difference in the lives of refugees “languishing in camps”?’ (2021) 65 (S1) Journal of African Law 1–23. Available at https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021855321000012.
Fatima Khan & Ncumisa Willie ‘Strengthening access to justice for women refugees and asylum seekers in South Africa’ in David Lawson, Adam Dubin and Lea Mwambene (eds.) Gender, Poverty and Access to Justice: Policy Implementation in Sub-Saharan Africa ed 2020. Routledge.
Fatima Khan ‘Does the right to dignity extend equally to refugees in South Africa?’ (2020) 20 African Human Rights Law Journal 261–284. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.17159/1996-2096/2020/v20n1a10.
Fatima Khan ‘Is childhood statelessness an issue in South Africa?’ (2020) 23 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal 1–34. Available at https://doi.org/10.17159/1727-3781/2020/v23i0a6414.
Fatima Khan ‘Is voluntary repatriation the preferred durable solution? The view of refugees in South Africa’ (2020) 6 (2) African Human Mobility Review 81–103. Available at https://sihma.org.za/journal/ahmr-volume-6-number-2-may-august-2020-1.
Fatima Khan, Cecile Sackeyfio & Liliya Paraketsova ‘Refugee women as victims of intimate partner violence: forever vulnerable?’ in Nolundi Luwaya, Rashida Manjoo and Jameelah Omar (eds) Violence Against Women: Law, Policy and Practice ed (2020) 227–267. Cape Town: Juta & Company. Available online at https://journals.co.za/doi/abs/10.10520/EJC-1fa72f5995.
Fatima Khan, Charlotte Marias & Siphokazi Mbatani ‘Refugee processes in South Africa require an “an injection of humanity”’ (2020) 56 (1) Journal of Asian and African Studies 48–63. Available at https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0021909620946850
Fatima Khan & Nandi Rayner ‘Migration management: the antithesis of refugee protection – the case of South Africa’ (2020) for the Forum on the new European Union Pact on Migration and Asylum in light of the United Nations Global Compact on Refugees. Available at https://www.asileproject.eu/migration-management-the-antithesis-of-refugee-protection-the-case-of-south-africa/. Also forthcoming in an e-book in 2021.
Fatima Khan & Ruvi Ziegler ‘Refugee naturalization and integration’ in Costello, Foster & McAdam (eds.) Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law ed 2020. Oxford University Press.
Fatima Khan ‘Has South Africa committed in good faith to article 34 of the UN Refugee Convention, which calls for the naturalisation of refugees?’ (2019) 23 Law, Democracy and Development 68–99. Available at http://ref.scielo.org/zkjj7y.
Fatima Khan ‘In chronic exile: rethinking the legal regime for refuges in protracted refugee situation’ (2019) 30 (2) Stellenbosch Law Review 186–211. Available at https://journals.co.za/doi/abs/10.10520/EJC-182f64224f.
Fatima Khan ‘Public Interest Litigation in South Africa, Jason Brickhill (Ed.): Review’ (2019) 136 (1) South African Law Journal 199–203. Available at https://journals.co.za/doi/10.10520/EJC-146d297a66.
Fatima Khan & Cecile Sackeyfio ‘What promise does the global compact on refugees hold for African refugees?’ (2018) 30 (4) International Journal of Refugee Law 696–698. Available at https://doi.org/10.1093/ijrl/eez002.
Fatima Khan & Megan Lee ‘Policy shifts in the asylum process in South Africa resulting in hidden refugees and asylum seekers’ (2018) 4 (2) African Human Mobility Review 1205–1225. Available at https://www.sihma.org.za/journals/AHMR-Vol-42-Final-press.pdf.
Justin de Jager ‘The right of asylum seekers and refugees in South Africa to self-employment: a comment on Somali Association of South Africa v Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism’ (2017) 31 (2) SAJHR 401–409. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/19962126.2015.11865253.
Ncumisa Willie & Popo Mfubu ‘No future for our children: challenges faced by foreign minors living in South Africa’ (2016) 2 (1) African Human Mobility Review 423–442. Available at: https://www.sihma.org.za/journals/AHMR-Vol-2-No-1-Jan-April-2016.pdf.
Ncumisa Willie & Popo Mfubu ‘Responsibility sharing: towards a unified refugee protection framework in Africa’ (2016) 2 (3) African Human Mobility Review 542–566. Available at: https://sihma.org.za/journals/AHMR-Vol-2-No-3-Sep-Dec-2016.pdf.
Fatima Khan ‘Reunification of the refugee family in South Africa: a legal right?’ (2013) 28 (2) Refuge 77–92. Available at: https://doi.org/10.25071/1920-7336.36481.
Tal Schreier ‘Critical challenges to protecting unaccompanied and separated foreign children in the Western Cape: lessons learned at the University of Cape Town Refugee Rights Unit’ (2011) 28 (2) Refuge 61–75. Available at: https://doi.org/10.25071/1920-7336.36480.
Justin de Jager ‘Addressing xenophobia in the Equality Courts of South Africa’ (2011) 28 (2) Refuge 107–116. Available at: https://doi.org/10.25071/1920-7336.36486.
Fatima Khan ‘Interpreting for refugees: “Where practicable and necessary only?”’ (2011) 28 (2) Refuge 93–105. Available at: https://doi.org/10.25071/1920-7336.36482.
Tal Schreier ‘An evaluation of South Africa’s application of the OAU refugee definition’ (2008) 25 (2) Refuge 53–63. Available at: https://doi.org/10.25071/1920-7336.36480.
From Immigration Law in South Africa (2018) – Fatima Khan (ed.)
Fatima Khan & Sally Hurt ‘Temporary residence’ in Fatima Khan (ed) Immigration Law in South Africa 1 ed (2018) 93–112.
Fatima Khan ‘Citizenship in South Africa’ in Fatima Khan (ed) Immigration Law in South Africa 1 ed (2018) 129–148.
Fatima Khan ‘Permanent residence’ in Fatima Khan (ed) Immigration Law in South Africa 1 ed (2018) 113–128.
Fatima Khan, Kiegen Louw & Ncumisa Willie ‘The securitisation of migration — South Africa’ in Fatima Khan (ed) Immigration Law in South Africa 1 ed (2018) 74–89.
James Chapman ‘The effect of the law of domicile on the migrant’ in Fatima Khan (ed) Immigration Law in South Africa 1 ed (2018) 149–163.
Nathanael Mauritz ‘Admission and departure procedures’ in Fatima Khan (ed) Immigration Law in South Africa 1 ed (2018) 164–177.
Popo Mfubu ‘Prohibited and undesirable persons’ in Fatima Khan (ed) Immigration Law in South Africa 1 ed (2018) 178–191.