Book launch

In 2013, the UCT Refugee Rights Unit produced the textbook Refugee Law in South Africa. The book was edited by Fatima Khan and Tal Schreier and published by Juta and Co Ltd. Fatima Khan motivated in her acknowledgements why a textbook on refugee law is so crucial: "I am committed to the view that the law and knowledge of the law can make a critical difference to the well-being of refugees in South Africa." Tal Schreier articulates what she hopes this textbook will achieve: "While the book provides a current and comprehensive snapshot of refugee law in South Africa, we hope that it also successfully captures the fast-paced changes that have been occurring in the country's refugee protection regime and that appear on the horizon."
The book was launched in Cape Town and Johannesburg and was publicised at the Geneva pre-Executive Committees in 2014. The general response at these events has been that this book is the first of its kind in South Africa. It has been praised as being a practical guide to the field, written from the perspective of practicing refugee law attorneys. The book has been commended for speaking for a specific vulnerable group of persons that have previously gone largely unacknowledged by legal writers in South Africa.
Subsequently to the book being launched, the textbook has been utilised by a High Court judge in deciding a refugee law matter. All legal practitioners working at the Clinic regularly refer to the textbook in the course of their daily work.
To paraphrase Tal Schreier, "this textbook was dedicated to every refugee that the Clinic had the honour to assist."