The following elective courses are offered to LLB students in their final year.
PBL4506F: Refugee and Immigration Law
Course Description:
The course focuses primarily on the basic criteria for the attainment, denial, and withdrawal of refugee status and the rights and treatment of refugees in accordance with the South African Refugees Act 130 of 1998 and other relevant legislation and international instruments. A comprehensive analysis of the South African Refugees Act as well as the relevant sections of the Immigration Act 13 of 2002, are undertaken. Furthermore, a review of the case-law of international, regional, and national courts provides an understanding of how refugee law is interpreted and implemented in South Africa as well as in other jurisdictions. Students should attain a thorough understanding of South African and international refugee law. In addition, the course will cover immigration law insofar as it impacts on refugees, and the Constitution in respect of the rights of non-citizens in South Africa.
PBL4111S: Public Interest Litigation
Course Description:
This course is designed to examine strategic and legal issues related to litigating in the public’s interest and social justice cases that advance the constitutional and civil rights of vulnerable groups or communities. The course draws from the Refugee Rights Unit and the Land and Accountability Research Centre’s experience as part of teams engaged in strategic-impact litigation. The course explores public interest litigation by examining legal frameworks through a variety of case studies, pending litigation. Guest lecturers with experience in public interest litigation provide even more knowledge from their practical experience. The course is based on a participatory, active learning approach, with an emphasis on practical learning. Participants will do the required readings, prepare individual and group assignments and participate actively in group discussions.