Online Courts and Access to Justice Hybrid Seminar

On the 8 April 2021 the DGRU, in partnership with the Hanns Seidel Foundation hosted a webinar which aimed to bring together lawyers, magistrates and judges to share their experience of providing access to justice during the COVID-19 pandemic through using online courts. The seminar was ‘hybrid’ in that some of the participants convened in person at a COVID-19 compliant venue in Cape Town, while others joined online. We also used the opportunity to launch our new training video on how to conduct court proceedings online.
The discussion was moderated by DGRU researcher Mbekezeli Benjamin and the panelists were :
- Regional Court President Jakkie Wessels: President of the Limpopo Regional Magistrates Courts
- Judge Roland Sutherland : Acting Deputy Judge President of the Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg
- Judge Glenn Goosen: Judge of the Eastern Cape High Court and Acting Justice in the Supreme Court of Appeal
- Advocate Tererai Mafukidze: Advocate of the High Court
To watch the full seminar click here