
A free, prosperous and democratic Africa in which constitutionalism and the rule of law protect human rights


There is access to justice and fair, accountable, independent and transparent judiciaries and justice systems in Africa


People living in African countries are knowledgeable about the law and the justice systems

The judiciaries and justice systems in African countries are well-resourced and run smoothly

The independence of African judiciaries is strengthened through policy and practice reform

DGRU is strong and sustainable

Programme Strategy

Public education initiatives

University certified training of judicial officers and legal professionals

Implement the organisational strengthening plan

Capacitating governments and non profits to publish the law

Developing and capacitating a network of African judicial trainers

Establish requirements for becoming a Research Institute

Providing research support to judicial officers

Advocacy on judicial appointments, conduct and governance

Develop internal policies, and a human resourcing plan (including succession)

Developing and providing knowledge systems that allow free access to the law

Develop a fundraising strategy

Convening conferences and meetings that align with DGRU’s key outcomes

Develop a communications strategy

Consulting as experts and acting as resource partners in research, training and free access to the law

Applied research to inform DGRU’s work, to identify systemic issues and to inform policy and practice reform