CLS Film Fest screenings aimed to showcase a diversity of voices, perspectives and disciplines through documentaries and films that focus on narratives around social justice issues. We hosted the film screening on campus, and coupled the screening with a robust discussion of the issues that it raises – most often in collaboration with the film-makers and/or commissioning organisations.
September 2018

In September 2018 CLS hosted a screening of ‘Sisters in Law’. The documentary provided compelling insight into the work of Cameroonian state prosecutor Vera Ngassa and Court President Beatrice Ntuba as they help women seek justice in often-difficult cases of abuse, despite pressures from family and their community to remain silent.
August 2018

In August, CLS, in partnership with the Centre of Criminology hosted a screening of ‘Noem my Skollie’, a South African film which follows a young Capetonian man in jail who leverages his storytelling skills in order to avoid being forced into the numbers gang. We were joined by John Fredericks, author of ‘Skollie’, for a discussion on his life in the Cape Flats and how
he came to publish his story.
February 2018

On Wednesday 21st of February 2018 CLS screened the documentary Line by Line which follows rape survivors and activists' fight against the silence fostered by rape culture in academic spaces.
The screening was followed by a discussion on 1) the ability of institutions of higher learning to create safer environments, 2) the inadequate institutional support and 3) responses to sexual violence.
A trailer for the documentary can be found here.
October 2017

On 12 October 2017 CLS screened the documentary Strike a Rock which follows Marikana activists Primrose Sonti and Thumeka Magwangqana as they challenge platinum mining company Lonmin Plc. for the provision of housing and infrastructure to people affected by the mine. The screening was followed by a discussion on extractive practices and their socio-economic and environmental impacts on South Africans.