Kate O'Regan Intervarsity Moot Competition 2024

The Kate O’Regan Moot Competition is the University of Cape Town’s premier moot competition. The inaugural competition was hosted in 2017. Since then, the competition has been a major success, attracting some of the highest profile legal practitioners in South Africa as adjudicators. In August 2024, CLS again co-hosted the competition together with the UCT Student Moot Society and Faculty Moot Committee. A range of UCT alumni and practitioners served as judges in the early rounds, with Justice Albie Sachs, Ashraf Mahomed, Justice David Unterhalter, Justice Allie and Justice Bozalek serving as the judges for final. The finals were held in a packed Moot Court, with the Rhodes University team winning the competition. Bowman’s sponsored the 2024 moot.