Visiting students from other universities are encouraged to join in the activities at the Centre, and contribute to the rich intellectual and cultural life offered at the Centre and in the Faculty of Law.
Meet some of our recent visiting students:

Amanda Cabrejo le Roux is an International and Comparative Criminal Law Researcher visiting the Centre of Criminology. Mrs Cabrejo le Roux holds Bachelor’s Degrees in History and Anthropology and Master's Degrees in Spanish Law (Universidad Complutense), French Law and Comparative Criminal Law (Sorbonne Law School) and an LL.M. in International Criminal Law (Columbia Law School/University of Amsterdam).
Mrs Cabrejo le Roux is currently a Doctoral candidate at the Sorbonne Law School (thesis working title: “Le principe ne bis in idem à l’aune des discours croisés des cours supranationales sur la justice pénale”). Her main research interests include International, Transnational and Comparative Criminal Law, fair trial standards, Human Rights and the judicial dialogue between international courts (For a list of her publications, see: As a visiting academic at the Center of Criminology, Mrs Cabrejo le Roux has delivered guest lectures and she is providing research assistance with an international research project entitled “Civil society and international criminal tribunals”. Mrs Cabrejo le Roux is also a legal consultant and the lead author of the report published in April 2015 by WWF and the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime and entitled: “Tightening the Net: Toward a Global Legal Framework on Transnational Organized Environmental Crime”.

Dr Don Pinnock is an investigative journalist and a visiting Research Fellow at the Centre of Criminology, UCT. He is an associate of Southern Write, a group of top travel and natural history writers and photographers in Africa, an associate and writer for the Conservation Action Trust, a former editor of Getaway magazine and a trustee of the Chrysalis Academy working with high-risk youths. He has been an electronic engineer, lecturer in journalism and criminology, consultant to the Mandela government, a professional yachtsman, explorer, travel writer, photographer and a cable-car operator on the Rock of Gibraltar. His present passions are the impact of humans on planetary processes and the causes and effects of deprivation on young people. He has published 16 books. He is married to the novelist and poet Patricia Schonstein.
To explore possibilities to become a visiting student at the Centre of Criminology, please email us: