What does the Centre of Criminology do?
The Centre of Criminology is a specialised research and teaching unit within the Department of Public Law, at the University of Cape Town. We aim to initiate and develop policy-relevant research, which focuses on engaging with African and South African issues of crime, criminal justice, governance and security. By actively engaging with the challenges facing African societies with an holistic and multidimensional approach to finding solutions, The Centre of Criminology aims to develop and support socially responsive teaching, research, and extension services in the broader field of criminology, security and criminal justice, and to promote public interest in all aspects. Since 2007 the core focus has become that of African Security and Justice, which you can read more about on our Research Priorities page.
What can I study at the Centre of Criminology?
The Centre offers both postgraduate degrees by instruction, and postgraduate research degrees. Our Courses page has detailed information and descriptions of the processes for applying and registering, course content and research themes.
What types of Degree can I register for in the Centre of Criminology?
- B Soc Sci Honours in Criminal Justice
- LLM/MPhil by coursework and mini-dissertation
- LLM/MPhil by research (dissertation) only
- PhD
Am I eligible for admission?
The Centre of Criminology welcomes students, researchers and partnerships from various disciplines and fields - both academic and professional - with a background in Law and/or Humanities, or in a field related to one of our research and teaching priorities.
For the B Soc Sci Honours in Criminal Justice programme, a student needs at least a 65% aggregate in their undergraduate degree.
For the MPhil/LLM or Masters by dissertation programmes, a student needs at least an honours degree in a suitable field.
Similarly, for the PhD programme, a student needs at least a Master’s in a suitable field.
Does Criminology offer distance learning?
UCT is not a distance learning institution. On an individual basis, PhD or Master's by research only may be accommodated in terms of remote supervision.
I am a visiting student, can I still come and study here?
The Centre of Criminology welcomes students from all over the globe. With the approval of the Centre, visiting or international students may choose to take one course, register for a single semester, or an entire programme.
Are there any employment opportunities for students at the Centre of Criminology?
Research assistantships may be on offer to registered students to develop research skills, while benefiting research projects. Contact us to hear if any opportunities are available.
How much does it cost to study at UCT/Centre of Criminology?
Fees are handled through the UCT Fees Office routes. We have no control of the fees structure.
Does the Centre of Criminology offer any undergraduate degrees or courses?
The Centre only offers postgraduate degrees (see ‘what can I study at the Centre of Criminology’), however it does have two undergraduate course. ‘PBL2800F: Crime and Deviance in South African Cities’ is offered in collaboration with the Dept. of Sociology. This course is only available to Humanities students as its focus is sociological rather than legal, although it considers legal and criminological issues in South Africa. The second undergraduate course is PBL4501F: Selected Issues in Criminology is offered in the Department of Public Law. The course is available to Humanities and Law students offering a wide range of criminology topics.
Is it possible to register for a part-time postgraduate degree?
Occasional Students may choose one or two courses from our Masters Programme and will receive a certificate from UCT ensuring their validity as courses with transferable credit value.
The LLM/MPhil by coursework and mini-dissertation can also be studied part-time over 2 years. The majority of the Master's courses are after working hours (16h00) to accommodate working students. The part-time option will have students take one course per semester, instead of two.