Professor Hanri Mostert

Hanri is a Professor of Private Law at the University of Cape Town and the current holder of the SARChI Research Chair: Mineral Law in Africa.
Selected recent publications:
HM van den Berg & H Mostert "Challenges to Regulating Hydraulic Fracturing in South Africa" in D Zillman, M Roggenkamp, L Paddock & L Godden (eds) Innovation in Energy Law and Technology (2018).
H Mostert & H van Niekerk "Disadvantage, Fairness, and Power Crises in Africa" in Y Omorogbe & A Ordor (eds) Ending Africa's Energy Deficit and the Law (2018).
H Mostert & C Young "Natural resources as 'regulated property'" in C Godt (ed) Regulatory Property Rights (2016).
H Mostert "The Poverty of Precedent on Public Purpose/Interest" in B Hoops, E Marais, H Mostert, J Sluysmans & L Verstappen L (eds) Rethinking Expropriation Law I: Public Interest in Expropriation (2015).
H Mostert Mineral Law: Principles and Policies in Perspective (2012).