Webinar: The future of Ingonyama Trust: Substantive Accountability in a Post-Covid era

The Land and Accountability Research Centre (UCT) in conjunction with the Nelson Mandela Foundation will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday the 25th of November entitled: The future of Ingonyama Trust: Substantive Accountability in a Post-Covid era.
Below are some of the questions to be unpacked in the seminar:
- What are the Trust’s legal and financial obligations towards its beneficiaries?
- Where does the Ingonyama Trust Board fit in?
- What impact has the operations and administration of the Trust had on the land rights and livelihood of its beneficiaries?
- Has the Ingonyama Trust Board succeeded or failed to ensure that the land vested in the Trust is administered for the material welfare of its beneficiaries? How has the Board attempted to circumvent accountability for compliance with its constitutional and legislative obligations?
- What is the experience of people living on land administered by the Trust where the ITB had, or attempted to, conclude income generating contracts without the consent of rights holders?
We would appreciate having you join us to engage on this significant topic. A topic that the DALRRD Portfolio Committee has also been dealing with for some months now. We would also appreciate if you could disseminate the attached poster to your networks and other interested parties.
Please click on the link to register: