FREE LIVE WEBINAR: The Traditional Courts Bill: Is it constitutional?

About The Webinar
Join Maverick Citizen journalist Zukiswa Pikoli in conversation with land rights activists Nolundi Luwaya and Mavuso Msimang as they unpack the contentious Traditional Courts Bill.
Nolundi Luwaya is Director of the Land and Accountability Research Centre (LARC). LARC is research centre in the Department of Public Law at the University of Cape Town. The Centre is concerned with power relations, and the impact of national laws and policy dealing with customary law in framing the balance of patriarchal and autocratic power within which rural communities struggle for democratic change in the former homelands. She has taught on women and customary land rights, including teaching African Customary Law at UCT. Her research interests include: rural women’s land rights under customary law and methods for understanding and protecting these rights that are informed by the experiences of rural women. She is also interested in questions of legal pluralism and the challenges involved in teaching law in a plural system such as we have in South Africa.
Mavuso Msimang is an Environmental Consultant. He is the former CEO of South African National Parks, Director-General of the Department of Home Affairs, Executive Director of SA Tourism and CEO of the State Information Technology Agency. He is a Board member of WWF South Africa, and a founding Board member of African Parks. He currently chairs Corruption Watch.
Mavuso obtained his BSc and MBA during his time in exile, and went on to work for various international development organisations, namely World University Service of Canada and CARE-CANADA, as well as the United Nations Children's Fund and the World Food Programme.