Duration: 5 days
Run once a year for 3 years – each year building on the year before
Topics covered include:
- Depth leadership
- Emotional intelligence
- The Rule of Law and the Separation of Powers
- Corruption
- The responsibilities of the Chief Justice and other senior members of the judiciary.
- Creating an Office of the judiciary.
- External Relationships: a) Executive and Legislature; b) Legal fraternity; c) Other Players in the justice system;
- Internal relationships a) judicial governance structures; b) managing the judges and court staff: procedural fairness and transparency, HR and grievance policies and procedures; c) judges’ associations; judicial well-being; d) relationships with the Magistracy
- Judicial appointments and accountability
- Judicial conduct and discipline
- Bringing in the next generation
- Stress management and judicial wellness
- Facilitation skills
- Change management