Our team's selected recent publications (since 2019):


Book chapters

  1. Bita Amani, Caroline B. Ncube and Matthew Rimmer 'Introduction: 'the people's agenda': a history of intellectual property and sustainable development' in Bita Amani, Caroline B Ncube and Matthew Rimmer (ed.s) Elgar Companion to Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals (2024) Edward Elgar 1-36 
  2. Caroline B Ncube 'Access to science, technology, and innovation: intellectual property, human rights, and sustainable development'  in Bita Amani, Caroline B Ncube and Matthew Rimmer (ed.s) Elgar Companion to Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals (2024) Edward Elgar 522-536 
  3. Bita Amani, Caroline B. Ncube and Matthew Rimmer 'Conclusion: ‘blueprints for a better world’: the future of intellectual property and sustainable development' in Bita Amani, Caroline B Ncube and Matthew Rimmer (ed.s) Elgar Companion to Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals (2024) Edward Elgar 582-610
  4. Bita Amani, Caroline B. Ncube and Matthew Rimmer 'Coda: blue sky solutions: a transformative vision for the 2030 Agenda' in Bita Amani, Caroline B Ncube and Matthew Rimmer (ed.s) Elgar Companion to Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals (2024) Edward Elgar 611-632
  5. Caroline B Ncube, Desmond O Oriakhogba, Tobias Schonwetter and Isaac Rutenberg 'Setting out the challenges and opportunities of Artificial Intelligence for Africa' in C Ncube, D Oriakhogba, I Ruten and T Schonwetter (ed.s) Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Africa (2023) LexisNexis 1-20
  6. Hanani Hlomani ‘De-regulate and re-regulate: Artificial intelligence and data governance in Africa’ in C Ncube, D Oriakhogba, I Ruten and T Schonwetter (ed.s) Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Africa (2023) LexisNexis 89-110

  7. Omowamiwa Kolawole 'The challenges and potential of artificial intelligence interventions in weak public-health systems in Africa' in C Ncube, D Oriakhogba, I Ruten and T Schonwetter (ed.s) Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Africa (2023) LexisNexis 175-187

  8. Caroline B Ncube, Desmond O Oriakhogba, Tobias Schonwetter and Isaac Rutenberg 'Policy and legal recommendations to tackling the challenges and seizing the opportunities of artificial intelligence Africa' in C Ncube, D Oriakhogba, I Ruten and T Schonwetter (ed.s) Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Africa (2023) LexisNexis 343-358
  9. Ncube, C.B. and Phiri, T.R. ‘Afro-centric law and technology discourse‘ in Bartosz Brożek, Olia Kanevskaia, and Przemysław Pałka (ed.s) Research Handbook on Law and Technology (2023) Edward Elgar 276-295 
  10. Hanani Hlomani and Caroline B. Ncube 'Data Regulation in Africa: Free Flow of Data, Open Data Regimes and Cybersecurity' in B. Ndemo et al. (eds.), Data Governance and Policy in Africa, Information Technology and Global Governance (2023) Palgrave Macmillan Cham  97 - 130 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-24498-8_5 
  11. Erika Kraemer-Mbula, Jeremy de Beer, Caroline Ncube, Chidi Oguamanam, Nagla Rizk, Isaac Rutenberg & Tobias Schonwetter ‘Collaborative Innovation and Networked Entrepreneurship in Africa’ in Olugbenga Adesida, Geci Karuri-Sebina, João Resende-Santos & Mammo Muchie (eds) Innovation Ecosystems in Africa: solving the problems that we have 2023 Amalion
  12. Ncube, C.B. ‘The Internet, Freedom of Expression and Intellectual Property’ in Chirwa, D and Ncube C.B. (ed.s) The Internet, Development, Human Rights and the Law in Africa (2023) Routledge 100 – 126 
  13. Chirwa, D and Ncube, C.B. ‘The Internet, Development and Human Rights in Africa: Introduction’ in Chirwa, D and Ncube C.B. (ed.s) The Internet, Development, Human Rights and the Law in Africa (2023) Routledge 1 – 22 
  14. Ncube, C.B. and Chirwa, D. ‘The Internet, Development and Human Rights in Africa: Reflections and Insights’ in Chirwa, D and Ncube C.B. (ed.s) The Internet, Development, Human Rights and the Law in Africa (2023) Routledge 217-227 
  15. Caroline B Ncube ‘Limiting Access to Life-Saving Medications: Three South African Case Studies’ in Enrico Bonadio and Aislinn O’Connell (ed.s) Intellectual Property Excesses: Exploring the Boundaries of IP Protection (2022) Hart 163 – 177
  16. Caroline B Ncube ' South Africa’s Three Decades of Access to Medicine Discourse: Blight or Benefit' in Srividhya Ragavan and Amaka Vanni (ed.s) Intellectual Property Law and Access to Medicines TRIPS Agreement, Health, and Pharmaceuticals (2021) Routledge 235 - 251
  17. Caroline B Ncube ‘Intellectual Property and Openness: A Research Perspective and Agenda’ in Irene Calboli and Maria Lillà Montagnani (ed.s) Handbook of Intellectual Property Research : Lenses, Methods, and Perspectives (2021) Oxford University Press 700 – 713
  18. Caroline Ncube and Isaac Rutenberg ‘Intellectual property and Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies’ in Mazibuko-Makena, Z. and Kraemer-Mbula, E. (ed.s) Leap 4.0: African Perspectives on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (2020) MISTRA 393 – 416
  19. Jeremy de Beer, Chris Armstrong, Shirin Elahi, Dick Kawooya, Erika Kraemer-Mbula, Caroline Ncube, Chidi Oguamanam, Nagla Rizk, Isaac Rutenberg, and Tobias Schonwetter ‘Open Innovation in Africa: Current Realities, Future Scenarios, and Scalable Solutions’ in Matthew L. Smith and Ruhiya Kristine Seward (eds)Making Open Development Inclusive: Lessons from IDRC Research (2020) MIT Press, IDRC 403 – 430  Download full book
  20. Caroline Ncube, Tobias Schonwetter, Jeremy de Beer, Chidi Oguamanam ‘A principled approach to intellectual property rights and innovation in the African Continental Free Trade Agreement’ in David Luke and Jamie Macleod (eds), Inclusive Trade in Africa :The African Continental Free Trade Area in Comparative Perspective (2019) Routledge 177 – 194

Journal articles

  1. Caroline B Ncube 'Food Security and Plant Variety Protection: Seeding Hope for the African Continental Free Trade Area?'  IIC (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40319-024-01556-3

  2. Omowamiwa Kolawole and Caroline B Ncube 'Rethinking Ownership, Power and Policy in Drug Patents: The Case for an Ubuntu-Infused Approach' Journal of African Law , First View , pp. 1 - 14 published 13 November 2024 

  3. Ngonidzaishe T Gotora 'Unmasking deception: deepfake regulation in the context of South African law, could a rethinking of performers’ protection rights be the answer?'  (2024) 32(1) International Journal of Law and Information Technology 1-20 
  4. Caroline B Ncube 'Intellectual property norms in the polycrisis—(still) omnipresent, distracting, irrelevant?' (2024) 19(9) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 717-724
  5. R Khan and N Gotora ‘One (innovation) flew over the law’s head: the intersection of artificial intelligence and copyright’ 2023 SA IPLJ 72
  6. Caroline B Ncube and Sanya Samtani ‘Copyright, Disability Rights, and the Constitution: Blind SA v Minister for Trade, Industry and Competition‘ (2023) 13 Constitutional Court Review 471-503
  7. Monye, Ogochukwu. 2023. “Perspectives on Database Rights of Humans and Machines in Electronic Health Records: Focus on South Africa”. Law, Technology and Humans, June. https://doi.org/10.5204/lthj.2550.
  8. Caroline B Ncube ‘Moving from Mirages to Miracles: Intellectual Property, Human Rights and the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development‘ (2023) 72(7) GRUR International, 629–630
  9. Caroline B Ncube ‘When Human Rights Based Litigation Meets Copyright Reform: Blind SA v Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition’ [2023] 2 I.P.Q. 86 – 100 [subscriber access]
  10. Harpur, P., Stein, M.A. and Ncube, C.B. ‘South African Constitutional Court Prioritises Constitutional Right to Access Information by Print Disabled over Protected Copyright Interests’ (2023) 45(5) European Intellectual Property Review 299 – 305 [subscriber access]
  11. dos Santos , F., Ncube, C. B., & Ouma, M. (2022). Intellectual property framework responses to health emergencies – options for AfricaSouth African Journal of Science118(5/6). https://doi.org/10.17159/sajs.2022/12775
  12. Ncube, C.B. (2022). Intellectual property and the African continental free trade area: lessons and recommendations for the IP protocol, Journal of International Trade Law and Policy, 21(2) 105 - 121 
  13. Chidede, T. (2022). The role of intellectual property rights’ protection in advancing development in South Africa 26 Law, Democracy & Development 168 - 189 
  14. Oluseye Jegede and Caroline Ncube 'Science, Technology, Innovation Management for Industrial Development in South Africa: Implications for the Fourth Industrial Revolution' (2021) 15(9) International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 673 - 695
  15. Rachel Adams et al 'POPIA Code of Conduct for Research (with corrigendum): Discussion Document' (2021) 117(5/6) South African Journal of Science DOI: https://doi.org/10.17159/sajs.2021/10933  
  16. Desmond Osaretin  Oriakhogba, 'What If DABUS Came to Africa? Visiting AI Inventorship and Ownership of Patent from the Nigerian Perspective', (2021) 42(2) Business Law Review 89-99 
  17. Desmond Oriakhogba and Ifeoluwa A Olubiyi 'Implications of the Nigerian Broadcasting Code on Broadcast Copyright and Competition' (2021) 70(7) GRUR International 644–655
  18. Caroline B Ncube, Blake E Reid and Desmond O Oriakhogba ‘Beyond the Marrakesh VIP Treaty: Typology of copyright access‐enabling provisions for persons with disabilities‘. J World Intellect Prop. 2020; 1– 17. https://doi.org/10.1111/jwip.12144
  19. Desmond Oriakhogba 'Applying Competition Regime to Collective Management Organizations in Nigeria: Lessons from US and EU Law' (2020) Journal of Contemporary Commercial and Industrial Law  1
  20. Chijioke Okorie 'Lessons in Protecting and Enforcing Copyright in Screenplays in Nigeria' (2020) 41(2)
    Business Law Review 55 – 62
  21. Chijioke Okorie ' South Africa with Kenya and Eswatini seek Waiver of certain provisions of the TRIPS Agreement to Align Intellectual Property Rights with Access to Medicines in the fight against COVID-19' (2020) 121 Journal of The Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc 122 - 123
  22. Chijioke Okorie 'The Constitutional Court of South Africa provides guidance on patent prosecution policy in South Africa' (2020) 120 Journal of The Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc. 101 -103
  23. Chijioke Okorie 'Corporate governance of copyright collecting societies in Nigeria: are (some) interventions under the Copyright Act lawful?' (2019) 6 NIALS Journal of Intellectual Property 76
  24. Chijioke Okorie 'Gender equality in South Africa’s creative sector through the regulation of collective management organisations' October 2020 Africa Portal 
  25. Chijioke Okorie 'An analysis of the IP-related provisions of the Nigerian Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2019' (2019) 14 (8) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 613–621, https://doi.org/10.1093/jiplp/jpz064
  26. Chijioke  Okorie 'Copyright in ‘contest-created’ works: Ugandan Court of Appeal weighs private interests and public benefit vis-a`-vis Uganda’s national anthem'  (2019) 14(12) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 933–934, https://doi.org/10.1093/jiplp/jpz133

Policy briefs, Issue Papers, Working Papers and Written Submissions 

  1. Caroline B. Ncube The Protection of Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions, Expressions of Folklore and Genetic Resources Within the African Continental Free Trade Area – Alignment with International and Regional Developments (2024) SouthViews No. 263, 1 May 2024
  2. Caroline B. Ncube and Jeremy de Beer Trade Rules as Regulatory Tools for Inclusive Innovation: Connecting Digital Trade and Clean Technology to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals (29 April 2024) OpenAIR Working Paper 27 
  3. Hanani Hlomani and Caroline B Ncube Data Regulation in Africa: Free Flow of Data, Open Data Regimes and Cyber Security, AERC Working Paper, 2023
  4. Hanani Hlomani and Caroline B. Ncube (2022) Data Regulation in Africa: Free Flow of Data, Open Data Regimes and Cyber Security African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) 
  5. Beiter, K. D., Fiil-Flynn , S. M., Forere , M., Klaaren, J., Ncube, C., Nwauche, E., Rens, A., Samtani, S., & Schonwetter, T. (2022). Copyright Reform in South Africa: Two Joint Academic Opinions on the Copyright Amendment Bill [B13B 2017]Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal25, pp 1 – 45. https://doi.org/10.17159/1727-3781/2022/v25i0a13880
  6. Caroline B. Ncube (2021) Comments to the Portfolio Committee on Trade & Industry on the alignment of s19D CAB to the Marrakesh Treaty (see explanatory blog post)
  7. Caroline B Ncube (2021) Policy Brief: Intellectual Property (IP) and Trade in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) International Trade Centre (ITC) 
  8. ‘Intellectual Property Protocol’ in United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, African Union, African Development Bank and United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Assessing Regional Integration in Africa ARIA IX: next steps for the African Continental Free Trade Area. (2019) (chapter lead)
  9. Blake Reid and Caroline B Ncube Scoping Study on Access to Copyright Protected Works by Persons with Disabilities, WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, World Intellectual Property Organization, SCCR/38/3 March 13, 2019  (Revision and expansion of SCCR35/3, 2017)


See Professor Ncube's full list of publications